MOST SECRET News update

The release of the ‘Most Secret’ anthology heralds the release of a forthcoming trilogy of which the following publications entitled ‘White Socks and Chalkdust and finally ‘Three in a Bed’ are novels. The three books are inextricably linked but can be read in any order. The success and popularity of these books can be attributed to the fact that the content of each are representations of wholly truthful anecdotes or incidences. The poetry is a mixture of silly,humorous, profound and moving readings that have evolved directly from experiences in private and professional settings. Many of the poems have been used in the teaching of primary or secondary school pupils and all in one way or another have received the endorsement of adults and children alike. If they didn’t resonate or appeal they were not published. All three manuscripts have now been completed. White Socks and Chalkdust will appear soon and has received high acclaim from the publishers: News update

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